Liquid AI

Simplifying DeFi

The mission is to make DeFi investment more accessible, efficient, and profitable for everyone

A Web Platform, API, and CLI

Introducing LIQUID AI

Liquid AI is a suite of non-custodial blockchain tools that provides simplified and streamlined access to various liquidity management solutions. Liquid AI allows you to easily harness the power of things such as flash loans, atomic swaps, collateral swaps, and more with unparalleled range as far as chains, assets, and combined capabilities. Liquid AI algorithms analyze streams of data and make recommendations for optimizing returns for liquidity providers as well as automatically adjusting the allocation of funds to minimize risk and maximize returns.

In its current BETA state, you can use LIQUID AI to

Liquid AI

Quickly build, customize, simulate, and deploy flash loans on Ethereum and Avalanche

Transfer debt directly on-chain

Scan, simulate, and execute custom arbitrage opportunities

Inject configurable liquidity solutions directly into your Dapp/project

Current Chains Supported

LIQUID AI currently supports Avalanche and Ethereum, including both chain’s main and testnets.




Unleash the true power of web3 liquidity using LIQUID AI